Friday, October 27, 2017

Lesson 9: Collaborative ICT Development


               Web Portal- A web portal is a website that contains information from different sources and places them in a one location in a uniform way. An example of a web portal is Google.

   Top 10 Web Portals
  • MySpace
  • Baidu
  • Wikipedia
  • Blogger
  • MSN
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Yahoo
  • Google
     Portlet- Interactive elements that gives information to the user.
     Online Collaboration- Simply put, online collaboration lets a group of people work together in real-time over the internet

  Web Conference- provides live audio/video communication between two or more locations to conduct meetings, training, or presentations via the Internet.

 The difference between Online Collaboration and Web conference is that Online collaboration is sharing information to each other to come with a way to achieve the groups goal. While in Web Conference is more like a meeting to discuss about a certain topic.

   Encryption- additional layer of security that makes content unreadable for people with malicious intent.

  SSL( Secure Socket Layer )- is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.

  Tips to have a successful collaboration tool
  1. Easy to use
  2. Have features that will fit your purpose
  3. Ability to upload documents
  4. Security Features

*Online Collaborative tools are most effective the group members are willing to achieve a common goal.


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Lesson 12: ICT Project for Social Change
