Friday, October 27, 2017

Lesson 9: Collaborative ICT Development


               Web Portal- A web portal is a website that contains information from different sources and places them in a one location in a uniform way. An example of a web portal is Google.

   Top 10 Web Portals
  • MySpace
  • Baidu
  • Wikipedia
  • Blogger
  • MSN
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Yahoo
  • Google
     Portlet- Interactive elements that gives information to the user.
     Online Collaboration- Simply put, online collaboration lets a group of people work together in real-time over the internet

  Web Conference- provides live audio/video communication between two or more locations to conduct meetings, training, or presentations via the Internet.

 The difference between Online Collaboration and Web conference is that Online collaboration is sharing information to each other to come with a way to achieve the groups goal. While in Web Conference is more like a meeting to discuss about a certain topic.

   Encryption- additional layer of security that makes content unreadable for people with malicious intent.

  SSL( Secure Socket Layer )- is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.

  Tips to have a successful collaboration tool
  1. Easy to use
  2. Have features that will fit your purpose
  3. Ability to upload documents
  4. Security Features

*Online Collaborative tools are most effective the group members are willing to achieve a common goal.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Lesson 8: Basic Web Page Creation

                                People use HTML ,codes to create pages and CSS codes to design them. If you have taken up these coding skills before, it will help you in creating pages using WYSIWYG. If you have not, WYSIWYG is designed for anyone who has not or does not have prior processing skills.

                    WYSIWYG is the acronym for What You See Is What You Get. This means that whatever you type, insert, draw, place, rearrange, and everything you do on a page is what the audience will see. Like using the Microsoft Word(R), WYSIWYG shows and prints whatever you type on the screen.

  Ways Of Accessing The Web:

  • Dial-up connection. 
  • DSL.
  • Cable Internet.
  • Wireless Internet.
  • Dedicated Wire.

     Web Browsers
  A website must be tested and viewed using the browsers that are commonly used by users worldwide.
  • Internet Explorer.
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Safari.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Opera.
  • Netscape.
  • Flock.
  Basic Web Principles
  • Balance.
  • Proximity.
  • White Space
  • Contrast.
  • Focus.
  • Unity.
  • Alignment.
  Essential Elements Of Web Contents
  • Accuracy.
  • Readability.
  • Understandable.
  • Concise.
  • Ethical and Legal.
  Planning Your Website
  1. Create the goal or purpose of the website.
  2. Identify the primary target audience.
  3. Plan the concept of the website.
  4. Plan and organize the site structure.
  5. Plan the web pages detail.
  6. Planning and designing the navigation scheme.
  7. Planning and gathering resources.
  • Internet. World wide collection of computers.
  • Webpage. Its is a formatted page within a website that contains text,graphics,video and multimedia.
  • Homepage. The first web page of a website which usually provides information about the website it's purpose and content.
  • Splash Page. It contains a multimedia which is designed to be attractive and intriguing.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Lesson 7: Online Platforms For ICT Content Development

                      According to my what my teacher told us about this lesson is that, you only need to know the difference between Blogging Platforms and Social Media Platforms.
   Online Platforms For ICT Content Development
   We will focus on platforms that will allow us to share our content to the rest of the world. We will also create a few of them to experience what it is like to use all of them.

  1. Social Media Platforms. Websites like Facebook allow you to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share content. The only downside of this is that you are restricted to Facebook's "one-size-fits-all" design.
  2. Blogging Platforms. Websites like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger focus on content and design. It typically looks like a newsletter where you are given options to change the design to your liking. Though you can manipulate the design, social media platform's popularity is still unrivaled. The amount of customization in blogs also unrivaled depending on the content management system implemented by the provider.
        A Content Management System (CMS) is a computer application (sometimes online or browser-based) that allows you to publish, edit and manipulate, organize and delete web content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites, and shopping.
         My teacher also told me that in terms of usefulness they are equal. It depends on how the user maximizes the uses of each Platforms. And the difference between the two platforms is that in Social Media you can post a status or express your opinion about a certain topic but in Blogging Platforms is where you make a post about a certain topic but it is more in-depth than the Social Media Platforms.

Lesson 12: ICT Project for Social Change
